Cici Mattiuzzi


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Cici Mattiuzzi is an independent career consultant, coach and author. She has worked in the career planning field for 40+ years.

She was the founding Director of Career Programs for the College of Engineering and Computer Science at California State University, Sacramento (CSUS), a position she held for over 30 years.

Cici has counseled thousands of students and career professionals in a wide variety of fields.

Her areas of expertise include career counseling and coaching, employment and labor market trends, career planning, job search strategy, salary negotiating and the recruitment of job candidates in high demand fields.

In addition to counseling individuals, Cici taught career planning courses that were part of the academic curriculum in all engineering and computer science programs at CSUS. At the University, she built a state-of-the-art online career services system (with computer science student project teams) and independently raised over $1.5 million to fund the operation. Her network of connections in business, industry and government agencies is extensive.

Cici teaches multiple career planning workshops and seminars, throughout the year.  She consults with both individuals and organizations on career planning, labor market trends, salary negotiations, and employment connections and opportunities.

In her weekly CareerUpdates newsletter at CSUS, and elsewhere, she has published hundreds of articles on career related topics.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Job Search Strategy & Job Recovery
  • Career Planning/Job Transition Planning & Strategy
  • Resume Writing, Cover Letters & Professional Portfolio Development
  • Successful methods for applying for jobs with Federal, State and local government
  • Career and Job Change, Job Analysis, Out Placement
  • Career Management & Professional Development
  • Salary & Benefits Negotiating
  • Career Development Programs and Materials
  • College Choice / Major Choice
  • College and Grad School Applications
  • Translating Military to Civilian
  • Professional Image Design - Webpage, Business Card, Brochures

  • Career

    Career Counselor/Executive Coach
    The Serious Job Seeker

    1984 - 2015
    Director of Career Services, College of Engineering & Computer Science
    California State University, Sacramento

    1978 - 1984
    Career Counselor, College of Business and College of Engineering & Computer Science
    California State University, Sacramento

    1974 - 1978
    Employment Development Officer
    California State Employment Development Department


    Bachelor Arts in Psychology, 1974. California State University, Sacramento

    Masters of Arts in Social Science, concentration in Manpower and Labor Economics, 1981. 
    California State University, Sacramento